Neuronto plugin beware

Dear WordPress users, users and developers. My point in this post is not to set the mood, but to share my bad experience with you. What conclusions you then draw from it, is up to you.

Search for a suitable translation plugin
For quite a while it was my wish to make my various websites multilingual, but the lack of knowledge of the plugins and the already scarce time always kept me from it. But again and again I sat down and searched the internet to see if there was something new. Especially I didn't want to use old established plugins like the WPML, which is excellent by the way. The advantage of WPML is that you have full control over the languages in the admin area and manage everything from here, but sometimes it just seems cumbersome and what if you want to offer 20 languages? Too complex. I wanted something where you can press the button and it goes by itself.

Dabei hatte ich auch schon Übersetzungs-Plugins getestet wie z.B. Weglot oder GTranslate, aber konnte mich am Ende doch nicht dafür entscheiden. Doch dann lief mir beim Recherchieren „Neuronto“ über den Weg und es schien kinderleicht, so wie ich es mir gewünscht hatte, ein Knopfdruck und es läuft. Letztes Jahr hatte ich übrigens auch „Linguise“ ausprobiert, auch super einfach so schien es, doch das Plugin stand noch in den Kinderschuhen und wies Entwicklungsfehler auf, was dazu führte, dass es das CSS der Website Angriff und das Layout zerstörte. Dann wagte ich es, die Videos hatten mich überzeugt. Ich kaufte Neuronto direkt von deren Homepage für $ 49.00. Das Rückzahlungsversprechen schien ein Risiko auszuschliessen.

The trouble
No sooner had the purchase been made and the plugin downloaded, I installed Neuronto on my website. But oh shock, nothing happened, nothing at all! No matter how I turned it, from a translation was far and wide nothing to see. The presentation videos were nice and the references were good, but nothing happened on my website. And mind you, I am an experienced WordPress professional and I checked the files and the database on the server and tried to find the error there, but nothing could be done. Nothing worked. A stubborn donkey is nothing compared to that. No, this machine was completely broken, completely dead! I had been completely fooled, at least that was my impression.

I had nothing to lose and immediately contacted Neuronto and told them that their software did not work at all and that I wanted my money back immediately. And indeed Neuronto, which as far as I know are still at home in Hong Kong, answered me after one day with the message that the amount would be credited to me after 30 days. Not a syllable of apology for the mistake, what for. But you guessed it, right, nothing there after 30 days. No money, no message. Again I had to contact Neuronto and this time no answer. And now I had to contact the credit card issuer, inform him with forms and proofs in a complicated and time-consuming way and request the chargeback and alone the handling of this took once 3 months. But after 3 months came the notice that they will just settle the case. how now? And again I had to reopen the case and put pressure and after about 7 months came the redeeming answer that I would get the money credited in the next few weeks.

Conclusion: For $49, nothing but hassle and disproportionate work for the refund. The company certainly cannot be judged as reputable in light of this experience. It is no consolation that there are always such lazy eggs who somewhere in the world tinker a plugin or theme that works maybe 1 week but then no more. And if the sales of a plugin does not increase quickly noticeable, many developers soon give it up again and invest no more time to keep up with the WordPress world. And what's left behind is a rotten egg. I was lucky again.

Sollte jemand unter Euch ein Plugin für die Übersetzung Eurer Website suchen und dabei auf „Neuronto“ stossen, wäre ich vorsichtig. Ich meinerseits werde für immer die Finger davon lassen. Ich habe mittlerweile eine Super-Plugin für die Übersetzung meiner Websites gefunden mit einem starken Support und bin damit glücklich.